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How to read a Breed book

Deutsch drahthaar puppy

A Breed Book (Zuchtbuch) is published every year by the Breed Registry Office (Zuchtbuchamt) of VDD. It includes useful information for members who are interested in the outcomes of the VDD breeding program.

The comments in this section are based on the 2003 Breed Book. Prior Breed Books are organized and presented in a similar manner. The information presented here will probably be best understood if you can refer to the Breed Book as you read so that you can see what is being described. It will also be helpful if you have already read the website page on Reading an Ahnentafel and are familiar with the symbols, numbers and other designations assigned to the dogs.

Section 1: Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Zuchtbucheintragungen

Alphabetical Listing of the Entries into the Zuchtbuch

In this section the kennel name of each litter produced that year is listed alphabetically. For each litter the range of registration numbers of the puppies in that litter is given. This provides a guide for where to find further information on the litter in the next section, which is organized by registration numbers.

For example, if you were looking for information about litters from the vom Hodsonhaus Kennel, you would first look here under “H”. In the 2003 Breed Book you would find an entry like this:

vom Hodsonhaus

B-Wurf 191147 / 191152

This means that in 2003 vom Hodsonhaus Kennel produced its B litter and the registration numbers for the six puppies ranged from 191147 to 191152. Now you know where to find more detail on this litter in the next section.

Section 2: Zuchtbuch-Registrierungen

Breed Book Registrations

This section provides information about the sire, dam, and puppies for each litter born during this particular year. It is organized in numerical order according to the registration numbers of the puppies. Hence the first entry is the first litter registered that year with the sequential registration numbers assigned to the number of puppies that were whelped. To find the vom Hodsonhaus litter you would proceed to registration number 191147, the first registration number assigned to the puppies from that litter.

The first line for each litter entry gives the Litter Number. For vom Hodsonhaus Kennel this was Wurfnummer: 20030212, indicating that this was the 212th litter born in the year 2003.

The next line gives the range of registration numbers for the litter and then the kennel name. This is followed on the next line by the name and address of the breeder.

The next line gives two dates: the first is the date the dam was bred and the second is the date the puppies were whelped. Following these dates will be two numbers: the first indicates the number of male puppies in the litter and the second is the number of females. The telephone number of the breeder also appears on this line.

Next comes information about the Dam: her ZB-Nr., DGStB-Nr., ZR-Nr., and her Breed Show ratings. Any applicable performance awards are listed on the next line, along with her HD status. The final line for the Dam gives her ML (motherline), which includes the foundation kennels and foundation breed from which she comes. See the section on Reading an Ahnentafel for further information about these numbers and awards. Information about the Sire follows in the same format.

This notation — aus auf Form und Leistung geprüften Eltern — will appear if the litter is considered a Performance Breeding, one where both parents passed the VJP, HZP and VGP and received a ZR number in the Breed Registry.

The final entry for the litter is a list of the puppies, including the registration number, given name and color of each puppy. Male puppies will always appear first on the left-hand side of the column, while the females are indented somewhat to the right.

Section 3: Bericht der Zuchtbuchführerin

Report by the Breed Book Administrator

This section provides data for the litters whelped during the year. Part 1 indicates how many new kennels were registered during the year.

Part 2 gives the number of litters whelped during the year (with a comparison to the previous three years) broken down according to the number of puppies in the litter. This is also shown as a percentage of the total number of litters. Then data is presented regarding registration in the Stud Book (Im DGStB standen), Toughness Certification (Härte), and status re hip dysplasia (HD-Frei). An indication is given whether neither parent, only the sire, only the dam, or both parents were registered in the Stud Book, had an HN Certificate, or were HD-Free. Schonfrist wurde ausgesprocken für 2003 refers to the number of females for which a period of recuperation was declared for 2003. Ammenaufzucht erfolgte bei 2003 refers to how many females required a substitute mother for the litter. Aus ‘aus auf Form und Leistung geprüften Eltern’ fielen 2003 refers to how many litters were considered a Performance Breeding, where both parents passed the VJP, HZP and VGP and received a ZR number in the Breed Registry. And Zuchtverträge lagen vor bei 2003 refers to the number of litters for which there was a breeding contract involved. Zuchverbot wurde ausgeprochen bei 2003 refers to the number of litters where a prohibition for breeding was imposed, perhaps because one or both of the parents did not meet the breeding requirements or because two schwarzschimmel dogs or a schwarzschimmel and solid brown dog (with or without breastfleck) had been bred.

Part 3 gives the number and percentage of the puppies according to color. Part 4 gives the breakdown of the total number of puppies according to the number and percentage of males and females. Part 5 indicates how many of the registered litters came from each VDD Group. And Part 6 gives the number of Ahnentafels and duplicate Ahnentafels issued for each of the past four years.

Deckrüden in Part 7 means Stud Services, and this section gives a breakdown of how many times that year each stud dog was used. Each dog is listed with his awards, various registration numbers, and conformation and coat ratings. For an explanation of the symbols and numbers that appear here refer to the website section on Reading an Ahnentafel.

Section 4: Statistische Nachkommenauswertung von DD-Rüden

Statistical Evaluation of Offspring of DD Stud Dogs

Following is a translation of the introduction to this section from the 2003 Breed Book:

Statistical Evaluation of Offspring of DD Stud Dogs

Excerpt of Stud Dogs since Litter Year 1995

The results of the VJPs and HZPs as published in the DGStB or Breed Book respectively until 2003 inclusive form the basis of this evaluation of offspring.

Reflected are all stud dogs that have been entered by name in the report by the Registrar of the Breed Book for the years 1983 to 2003. These are males for whom at least four litters in a breeding year were entered into the DD-Breed Book.

The average results of the offspring are listed and reflected in this evaluation as long as at least 25 offspring of these males were entered in Association Tests.


The reference value has been calculated from the average of the offspring on the basis of the data that were entered until the end of 1988. There were 103 males with 7,344 offspring that were presented (tested).

The average value for the individual test subjects is calculated as follows: All offspring of the males covered by the evaluation of the offspring are included within the results of the VJPs and HZPs. The VJP results for the subjects of Tracking, Nose, Search, Pointing and Cooperation were evaluated. Only the two subjects of Search behind the Live Duck and Blind Retrieve of Lost Game in densely covered waters were used from the HZPs.

In a case where an offspring had been entered in the test more than once the points gained were averaged, so that for each offspring only one value appears. These points had been added and the sum was divided by the number of dogs participating in the particular test.

The deviation from the reference value of the average number of points of an offspring of a male is then calculated.

The percentage-wise distribution of Loudness (Lautverteilung) is determined as follows:

Every indication of loudness [that is, barking/baying while hunting] from the VJP and HZP is reflected — following the sequence of “wdl” [waidlaut = loud due to excitement without game present], “spl” [spurlaut = loud on scent], “sil” [sichtlaut = loud on sight] “st” [stumm = silent] or “frgl” [fraglich = undetermined] — and allocated to the individual offspring, so that every offspring receives only one assignment for sound. The allocations are added together and transferred into the percent-wise proportion.

All statements and bodily faults that were entered in a VJP or HZP were allocated to the individual offspring in this manner:

  1. Steadiness to shot and character

  2. 1. not steady (slightly sensitive to timid/frightened)

  3. 2. Shyness, Fear or other remarks attributable to character

  4. Deficiencies in bite

  5. 3. lacking or duplicate P1

  6. 4. pliers bite

  7. Faults in bite or other deficiencies causing exclusion from being used for breeding

  8. 5. lacking teeth, P1 excluded

  9. 6. Fore-, back- or crossbite, position of canine teeth

  10. 7. Faults of eyes or testicles or other faults causing exclusion from being used for breeding

Multiple and to some extent diverging remarks within one of the seven cases will always be allocated to one of the numbers and this in turn only to the offspring concerned. In cases where pliers bite as well as fore-, back- or crossbite are recorded, the allocation is done under number 6.

It is specifically pointed out that this statistical evaluation of offspring is not a rating of the value of the breed; for that the results for the offspring would have to be placed into relationship and the properties of mothers, siblings and predecessors would have to be included and weighted.

The statistical table is organized as follows:

In the first column is information about the stud dog. See the section on Reading an Ahnentafel for help understanding the numbers and symbols that appear for each dog.

Across the top of the page where it says “Bezugswert” are the reference values for each category.

At the top of the next two columns is the Zuchtrüdenvorstellung (ZRV) number, or Stud Dog catalog number. In the first column under this number is the range of testing years for offspring of this dog; e.g., 01-03 would indicate offspring tested in 2001, 2002, and 2003. The second column indicates the total number of offspring tested. Appearing below this number is the number tested in the VJP followed by the number tested in the HZP.

The next five columns are for the VJP scores (Tracking, Nose, Search, Pointing, and Cooperation), followed by the two HZP scores (Search behind the Live Duck and Blind Retrieve of the Duck). The numbers in these boxes show the average deviation of the offspring of this dog from the reference value for that category. A plus deviation indicates an average score higher than the reference value, while a minus number indicates a lower average score.

The next five columns under “Lautverteilung in %” [Loudness] show the percentage of the offspring that were rated scent-loud, sight-loud, loud by excitement, silent, and undetermined.

The final three columns indicate bodily faults. Column A indicates lack of steadiness to shot and other character faults. Column B indicates deficiencies in bite such as lack of or extra P1 and plier bites. And Column C indicates faults that cause exclusion from breeding.

A new table following the one described above — titled Aufschlüsselung der Feststellungen un körperlichen Mängel nach den einzeinen Ziffern — gives more detail regarding the bodily flaws that were noted in Columns A, B, and C above. You can refer back to the introduction to the statistical section for the description of each column 1-7. Again at the top there is a reference value (Bezugswert) and the numbers in the columns reflect the deviation from this value of the average for the offspring of each dog.

Section 5: Ergebnisse der VJPen und HZPen 2003

Results of the VJPs and the HZPs in 2003

This section lists the test results for all puppies born between 1 October 2001 and 30 September 2002, which were tested in the VJP and HZP in 2003. They are organized in alphabetical order according to the stud dog.

Partial tests are included under the HZPs. These tests were run as “olE” (without live duck) following the prohibition by law and they are marked by an * in column 7. In light of the intent of Articles 9-2c, 30-2 and 31a of the Breeding Regulations of the VDD these dogs did not fully pass the HZP. They must be tested additionally for proof of suitability for breeding with respect to shyness in the presence of game in the water. An entry into the Breed Register of the VDD e.V. cannot be made for dogs with HZP olE.

When looking for Group Canada test results in this section, be sure to look under the name of the sire of the litter.

Section 6: Zuchtregister-Eintragungen

Breed Registry Entries

The final section of the Breed Book is an alphabetical listing of the dogs that were examined in a Breed Show that year and as a result were entered in the Breed Registry. For an explanation of the symbols in from of the dog's name and the numbers and ratings after its name, see the section on Reading an Ahnentafel. The Owner's name and address are listed for each dog.


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